Burger, John D.Warnock, Francis E.Cacdac Warnock, Veronica2023-08-032023-08-032023-08-0997895674217189789567421725 (digital)0717-6686 (Series on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies)https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12580/7508Policymakers faced with volatile capital flows may desire a method to identify the level of flows likely to persist in the medium run. In a series of papers (Burger, Warnock, and Warnock, henceforth BWW, 2018, 2022), we have developed an estimate of the natural or equilibrium level of capital flows (KFstar or KF*) that provides guidance on the likely amount of portfolio inflows countries can expect over a one- to two-year period.Policymakers faced with volatile capital flows may desire a method to identify the level of flows likely to persist in the medium run. In a series of papers (Burger, Warnock, and Warnock, henceforth BWW, 2018, 2022), we have developed an estimate of the natural or equilibrium level of capital flows (KFstar or KF*) that provides guidance on the likely amount of portfolio inflows countries can expect over a one- to two-year period..pdfSección o Parte de un Documentop. 185-204enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 ChileKFstar and portfolio inflows: a focus on Latin AmericaArtículo