Banco Central de Chile2019-12-042019-12-041984-03 -- Table 1: Central Bank Monetary Program: Targets and Performance, 1984 -- Table 2: Differences between Actual Performance and Target Performance under the IMF Program -- Table 3: Central Bank: Net International Reserves 1984 -- Table 4: Net Indebtedness of the Non-Financial Public Sector -- Table 5: Contracting and Guaranteeing of medium-and long-term Foreign Debt by the Non Financial Public Sector -- Table 6: Chile: Balance of Payments 1981-1984 -- Table 6-A: Financial Services 1983-1984 -- Table 6-B: Imports, 1981-1984 -- Table 6-C: Volume and Value of Exports: 1981-84, by Principal Products -- Table 7: Chile: Balance of Payments by Quarters, 1984 -- Table 8: Exports and Imports 1982-1983 and apr. 1984 -- Table 9: Project net inflows of funds from official organizations and suppliers, 1981-1983 -- Table 10: Foreign debt of Chile 1981-1983 - march 1984 -- Table 11: Total Medium and Long Term External Debt at dec. 31, 1982 and dec. 31, 1983 -- Table 12: Schedule of Amortizations of Medium and Long Term External Debt, as of 12.31.83 -- Table 13: Growth rates of gross domestic product by sector -- Table 13A: Gross domestic product expenditure -- Table 14: Labor force and unemployment nationwide -- Table 15: Public finance -- Table 15A: Public sector financial operations, 1984, estimated -- Table 15B: Public sector financial operations, 1983, preliminary -- Table 15C: Public sector financial operations, 1982 -- Table 15D: Public sector financial operations, 1981 -- Table 16: Principal monetary aggregates -- Table 16A: Financial system: deposits and loans -- Table 17: Wages and salaries index, 1977-1983 and feb. 1984 -- Table 18: Interest Rates -- Table 19: Reference and preferential rates of exchange -- Table 20: Price indexes -- Table 21-A to Table 21-I : Financial System Indicators -- Table 22-A: Corporate Sector Financial Indicators: Profitability -- Table 22-B: Corporate Sector Financial Indicators: Liquidity -- Table 22-C: Corporate Sector Financial Indicators: Indebtedness -- Chronology of main economic meaures taken during 1984..pdfDocumento Completo76 p.spaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 ChileINDICADORES ECONÓMICOSCONDICIONES ECONÓMICASECONOMÍAQuarterly economic and financial report of ChileQuarterly economic and financial report of Chile, March, 1984Informe trimestral