Caballero, Ricardo J.Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus2019-11-012019-11-012015978-956-7421-48-0978-956-7421-49-7 (pdf) Book Series on “Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies” of the Central Bank of Chile publishes new research on central banking and economics in general, with special emphasis on issues and fields that are relevant to economic policies in developing economies. The volumes are published in Spanish or English. Policy usefulness, high-quality research, and relevance to Chile and other economies are the main criteria for publishing books. Most research in this Series has been conducted in or sponsored by the Central Bank of Chile. Book manuscripts are submitted to the Series editors for a review process with active participation by outside referees. The Series editors submit manuscripts for final approval to the Editorial Board of the Series and to the Board of the Central Bank of Chile. Publication is both in paper and electronic format. The views and conclusions presented in the book are exclusively those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Central Bank of Chile or its Board Members.Economic Policies in Emerging-Market Economies: An Overview / Ricardo J. Caballero and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel -- Laudatio of Vittorio Corbo / Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel -- Implications of Rapidly Growing Emerging Markets for the World Economy / Anne O. Krueger -- The War of Ideas in Economic Development: A Historical perspective / Sebastián Edwards -- A Caricature (Model) of the World Economy / Ricardo J. Caballero -- The Liquidity Approach to Bubbles, Crises, Jobless Recoveries, and Involuntary Unemployment / Guillermo Calvo -- Financial Reforms and Capital Flows: Insights from General Equilibrium / Alberto Martin and Jaume Ventura -- Fiscal Policy, Debt Crises, and Economic Growth / William Easterly -- Why Do Countries Have Fiscal Rules? / Ibrahim Elbadawi, Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, and Raimundo Soto -- Exchange Rate, Structural Fiscal Balance, and Copper Price: A Puzzle / Patricio Rojas and Félix Berríos -- Endogenous Exchange-Rate Pass-Through and Self-Validating Exchange Rate Regimes / Giancarlo Corsetti and Paolo Pesenti -- Monetary Policy in Chile: Institutions, Objectives, and Instruments / Francisco Rosende and Matías Tapia -- Too Poor to Grow / Humberto López and Luis Servén -- Local Impacts of Trade Liberalization: Evidence from the Chilean Agricultural Sector / José I. Cuesta, Francisco A. Gallego, and Felipe A. González -- Curriculum Vitae of Vittorio Corbo Lioi..pdfDocumento Completo404 p.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 ChileMERCADO FINANCIEROPOLÍTICA ECONÓMICADESARROLLO ECONÓMICOMACROECONOMÍAEconomic policies in emerging-market economies: festschrift in honor of Vittorio CorboLibro